Mindshield Mapping
Created by Richard Landward at The University of Utah
Mindshield Mapping was created for First Responders to shift from their primitive brain to their executive brain to help de-escalate at the end of their work day. You do not have to be a first responder to benefit from this resources. I have shared this with many people in private settings, couples, and in corporations.
All you need is about 20 mins, a piece of paper, something to write with, and to click the listen button.
The Primitive Brain is when our brain is in response mode.
The Executive Brain is when our brain is more present, calm, clearer, and digestive modes.
​Somatics: A broad term, somatics focuses on body movement as a means to improve mental health. Somatic therapy relies on the mindbody connection for treatment, and is beneficial in reducing stress caused by anxiety, depression, trauma, relationship issues and other mental ailments. To regulate our nervous system distress somatic work shrinks the amygdala by increase oxytocin, dopamine, and serotonin, hence helps lessen depression.